The Stratford Municipal Electric Utility brings electrical power to the citizens of Stratford. Staff is responsible for city owned poles; electrical lines and metering. Our electricity is obtained from CIPCO via Midland Power Cooperative.
Energy Efficiency
City of Stratford offers many energy efficiency incentives, programs, and services through the city’s power provider: Midland Power Cooperative. Go online to Midland Power Cooperative and look under the Energy Efficiency tab to locate the information and rebates you are interested in. Or contact the City of Stratford and we’ll help you!
The Water Treatment Plant was built in 2010 and provides safe, clear, high quality water for all of Stratford. Raw water is pumped from the Mississippian aquifer by two wells each about 600 deep each. The water is then softened before being pumped into the distribution system. On the average approximately 40,000 gallons are treated each day. The City maintains the plant and the 200,000 gallon water tower and water infrastructure. Maintenance of this system includes repairing water main leaks, fire hydrants, valves, leak detection and making locations on the main water lines and curb boxes.
The 2023 Water Quality Report for the City of Stratford is now available below.
The Stratford Municipal Wastewater Treatment Lagoon and Lift Station was built in 1992. The second Lift Station in the southeast part of Stratford was renovated in 2011. Maintenance includes sanitary sewer infrastructure, manholes and storm water intakes. Sewer reads are based on the monthly water meter readings.
The City is responsible for maintenance of the streets. Maintenance of the streets includes: patching potholes, utility patches, asphalt overlays, snow removal, gravel road and alley maintenance. Other street duties include painting school crossings, parking lanes and sign maintenance. Streets include the responsibility for mosquito control, which occurs once every week from Memorial weekend through the end of September; weather pending.
Garbage, Recycling, and Landfill
The City of Stratford contracts with an outside santation company for solid waste collection and recycling. The Trash Man of Webster City is the City of Stratford solid waste provider currently. Everyone within the city limits is required to have garbage collection and all residential customers within the city limits are required to have recycling collection. Stratford belongs to the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency (Fort Dodge Landfill). A strong emphasis is placed on recycling in the community; encouraging all to recycle more.
Most trash and debris, when properly bundled and/or contained properly, can be disposed of at curbside with your regular garbage service days. If assistance is needed or you have questions for the city, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Utility billing meters are read on the 20th of each month. Utility Billing Read Cycle is from the 21st of a month to the 20th of the next month with bills being processed on the last day of the month and being sent out on the first of each month.
Related Documents
- Utility Documents
- ACH Payment Authorization